Vendredi matin, telle une jeune enfant à la veille de noël, je montais dans un bus direction Laval! La raison était toute simple; aller visiter le nouveau magasin TOPSHOP du carrefour Laval. Depuis plusieurs années j'ai toujours trouvé que Topshop offrait aux jeunes adeptes de mode des vêtements reflétants les tendances londoniennes, et ce en respectant le budjet de tous. Maintenant en plus d'avoir un espace au La Baie du centre-ville de Montréal, TOPSHOP-TOPMAN s'est installé à Anjou et Laval pour le bonheur de plusieurs. Vous êtes dans le coin? Je vous invite à aller visiter leurs boutiques car chacunes sont dotées d'un acheteur différent donc vous ne trouverez pas nécessairement les mêmes items partout. Mais attention: vous tomberez sans aucun doute en amour avec un ensemble...ou plusieurs! Bon shopping.
Last Friday I was super excited to go on a road trip in Laval to visit the new TOPSHOP at the Carrefour Laval. Since many years, I've always thought that Topshop was offering the best fashion a store could offer at a reasonable price. In addition to Topshop La Baie centre-ville in Montreal, there is now two other enormous stores in the area: Anjou and Laval. If you are in the area, I suggest you stop by in one of the store because you won't find exactly the same items since the buyers are different. But there's one thing I'm sure, you WILL fall in love! Let's go shop!
Last Friday I was super excited to go on a road trip in Laval to visit the new TOPSHOP at the Carrefour Laval. Since many years, I've always thought that Topshop was offering the best fashion a store could offer at a reasonable price. In addition to Topshop La Baie centre-ville in Montreal, there is now two other enormous stores in the area: Anjou and Laval. If you are in the area, I suggest you stop by in one of the store because you won't find exactly the same items since the buyers are different. But there's one thing I'm sure, you WILL fall in love! Let's go shop!